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How to Be a Good Parent - Newsletter

What does it mean to be a good parent? Here are three valuable tools to effectively reach your kid’s heart, which is really what a good parent does. Karrie Garcia is a pastor, life coach, author and CEO who inspires others by boldly sharing her journey to freedom. She shares with humor and insight gained from 18 years of parenting.


What does it mean to be a good parent? Here are three valuable tools to effectively reach your kid’s heart, which is really what a good parent does. Karrie Garcia is a pastor, life coach, author and CEO who inspires others by boldly sharing her journey to freedom. She shares with humor and insight gained from 18 years of parenting.


Thurs, Feb. 1 at 6:30pm - Meetup 10 @ Horizon West

Thurs, Feb. 15 at 6:30pm - Meetup 11 Combined @ Horizon West



Thank you for your desire to be a part of MOPS/MOMSNext Winter Garden! Here at MOPS, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together.

This is the year to make some moves. Say “Yes.”

Register HERE.

Please refer to our Google Sheet for your POD assignments and food rotation schedule. When it is your turn to provide food, please put what you will be bringing or if you will be chipping in money to help contribute. If for some reason you cannot make it to the meeting, please drop off your food to someone else in your POD.

See schedule HERE.




  • What is your go-to response when you are frustrated or angry?

  • What is a story from your childhood that you feel shaped you as an adult?

  • Consider a time when you reacted negatively to your child or spouse. Is there an old hurt that may be at the root of this reaction?

  • Is there a time when someone has given you the opportunity to repair a mistake?

  • Is there a situation for which you need to give your child or spouse an opportunity for repair? What can you do today to tend to that process?



Watch Us and Smile

Andrea Fortenberry, Executive Leadership

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:. . . a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. – Ecclesiastes 1:1 and 4 NIV

One night while giving my kids a bath, my mind started to wander. I was so tired and completely ready to be off duty for the night. I began thinking about what was on my to-do list for the next day. I couldn’t wait to put the kids in bed and watch the next episode of my show.

While I was lost in my thoughts, my kids started splashing each other. They threw bubbles and scoops of water into the air and all over the floor. All the noise caught my attention. I must have had a disapproving look on my face because my son yelled, “Mom! Watch us and smile!”

His words reminded me of how often I forget to smile and have fun with my kids. I often allow the demands of motherhood and running a household to weigh me down. I can take things too seriously.

I am so thankful for the reminder that my kids are watching me. They watch my reactions and my expressions. They watch me sitting on the sidelines while they’re having fun. Wouldn’t it be neat to give our kids memories of mom joining in on the fun?

Since that night at bath time, I’ve tried to be intentional about saying “yes” to my kids’ invitations for fun and playfulness. I may have rolled my ankle attempting parkour, but hey, I tried! I also try to initiate moments of fun with them. Sometimes it’s putting on fun music to sing along in the car or dance in the kitchen. Other times, it’s keeping a deck of cards on our kitchen table that we can pull out while dinner is finishing or we’re having an afternoon snack.

Fun may not come naturally to us anymore as grown-ups, but we need it just as much as kids do. A beautiful blessing of raising children is that they remind us of this truth. Let’s watch them and smile. Let’s “say yes” to fun as much as possible!


  1. What holds you back from having fun with your kids?

  2. How can you incorporate more fun into your time with them?

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:26-27 NIV

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